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Dixie Mission is back in print!  On the 80th anniversary of the US Army Observer Mission to Yenan, we are re-releasing.Colonel D. S. Barrett’s memoir, in which he takes readers behind the frontlines of US-China relations.

All (full catalog)

Politics and Religion in Japan (JRM 18)
George Ehrhardt, ed., Axel Klein, ed., Levi McLaughlin, ed., Steven R. Reed, ed.
A Comparative Study of East Asian Capitalism
(RPPS 46)
Hong Yung Lee, ed.
Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese Society and Culture, 1500–2010
(CRM 70)
Xun Liu, ed., Vincent Goossaert, ed.
Mobile Horizons
Dynamics across the Taiwan Strait (CRM 69)
Wen-hsin Yeh, ed.
A Study and Translation of the Ethical and Political Writings (CRM 68)
John Knoblock, Jeffrey Riegel
Discourses of Discipline
An Anthropology of Corporal Punishment in Japan's Schools and Sports (JRM 17)
Aaron L. Miller
Mobile Subjects
Boundaries and Identities in the Modern Korean Diaspora (KRM 36)
Wen-hsin Yeh, ed.
Working for His Majesty
Research Notes on Labor Mobilization in Late Shang China (ca. 1200–1045 B.C.), as Seen in the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions, with Particular Attention to Handicraft Industries, Agriculture, Warfare, Hunting, Construction, and the Shang's Legacies (CRM 67)
David N. Keightley
History in Images
Pictures and Public Space in Modern China (CRM 66)
Christian Henriot, ed., Wen-hsin Yeh, ed.
In the Service of His Korean Majesty
William Nelson Lovatt, the Pusan Customs, and Sino-Korean Relations, 1876–1888 (KRM 35)
Wayne Patterson
