Dixie Mission

Dixie Mission

The United States Army Observer Group in Yenan, 1944

David D. Barrett

Publication date: 1970
ISBN-13 (print): 978-0-912966-07-6
ISBN-10 (print): 0-912966-07-6
ISBN-13 (e-book): 978-1-55729-241-4

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This memoir by Colonel David D. Barrett describes his experiences with the Dixie Mission, the US Army Observer Group in Yenan in 1944 and 1945.

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Title information

This memoir by Colonel David D. Barrett describes his experiences with the Dixie Mission, the US Army Observer Group in Yenan in 1944 and 1945.  As commander of the group, Colonel Barrett was privy to discussions between the Chinese Communists and the Kuomintang.  And having spent over two decades in China and speaking Peking-style Chinese, he was well positioned to preside over this important point in Sino-American relations.

Pages: 116
Language: English
Publisher: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley

David D. Barrett

Colonel, US Army

Books: Dixie Mission