Frequently Asked Questions
Introduction to E-books

The term e-book refers to an electronic version of a printed book. All e-books published by IEAS are PDFs and can be read on personal computers and mobile devices using Adobe Reader (click here for free download) or any other PDF reader.
Our PDF e-books have a fixed layout that preserves the image of the printed book. This maintains the original pagination so scholars can locate and cite passages with accuracy and ease. All our e-books are fully searchable, including Chinese-Japanese-Korean (CJK) characters. They are also internally bookmarked and linked, so users can jump from the Table of Contents and Index to the appropriate chapter or page.
How is the PDF e-book delivered? Can I download my e-book?
After purchase, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a link to access and download your e-book. You can also access or download your e-book from “My eLibrary,” found on your account page.
What is My eLibrary?
My eLibrary is a web portal that allows you to access, read, and download your e-book purchases. You can access My eLibrary through your account page.
Can I read my e-books offline?
Yes. All our PDF titles are free of DRM (Digital Rights Management) protective software and may be downloaded and read offline on your personal computer or mobile device.
Will you be adding more e-book formats?
We currently have no plans to sell our books in other e-book formats. We are providing e-books only as PDFs, because PDF has the widest range of compatibility across reader platforms.
May I share my PDF e-books?
E-books and e-book chapters are sold on a single-user basis and may not be freely circulated. If you are an instructor, please use the Contact Us form for classroom discount codes.
About Desk, Exam, and Review Copies
Desk Copies
The Institute of East Asian Studies is pleased to send a complimentary desk copy of any of our titles required for a class with expected enrollment of at least 10 students. We limit the number of complimentary copies to one per instructor, per academic year. PDF e-books are delivered immediately upon ordering; softcover books take 4 weeks for delivery by domestic media mail.
To receive a coupon code to use when placing the order, please send the following information using the form on the Contact page:
* book title and ISBN
* instructor’s name and institution
* course number and title
* date class starts and expected enrollment
* bookstore where books will be stocked
* how the book came to your attention
Exam Copies
The Institute of East Asian Studies is pleased to send a complimentary exam copy of any of our titles under consideration as a required text for classes with expected enrollment of at least 10 students. We reserve the right to limit the number of complimentary titles sent to instructors. PDF e-books are delivered immediately upon ordering; softcover books take 4 weeks for delivery by domestic media mail.
To receive a coupon code to use when placing the order, please send the following information using the form on the Contact page:
* book title and ISBN
* instructor’s name and institution
* possible course title
* date class starts and expected enrollment
* how the book came to your attention
Review Copies
The Institute of East Asian Studies is pleased to send a complimentary review copy of any of our recently published titles to book review editors for possible review in a scholarly journal or other periodical. PDF e-books are delivered immediately upon ordering; softcover books take 4 weeks for delivery by domestic media mail.
To receive a coupon code to use when placing the order, please send the following information using the form on the Contact page:
* book title and ISBN
* book review editor’s name and e-mail address
* journal affiliation
* how the book came to your attention
Thank you for your interest in our publications. To streamline our efforts and improve the distribution process, we ask you to read and adhere to the following:
From January 1, 2016, we encourage all wholesalers to place their orders through this website.
For wholesale orders, we have a minimum of 5 printed books (mixed titles OK, but no e-books or bundles allowed), and we offer a 20% discount.
Prepayment is now required on all orders.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
We no longer accept checks, money orders, or wire transfers—sorry for any inconvenience.
We ship all wholesale orders (domestic and international) by Federal Express. Collect shipping is no longer available, but wholesale orders will receive a special shipping rate.
To receive a coupon code that will allow you to place a wholesale order, use the CONTACT form and include your:
business name and location
valid re-seller number
contact name and phone number
You should receive your coupon code within 1 to 3 business days.
Note: Our printed books are NON-returnable except for physical defects. Slight damage as a result of normal shipping can occur, and should be expected.
Thank you. We look forward to filling your orders.