China Research Monographs


Like Froth Floating on the Sea
The World of Pirates and Seafarers in Late Imperial South China (CRM 56)
Robert J. Antony
Exorcism and Money
The Symbolic World of the Five-Fury Spirits in Late Imperial China (CRM 55)
Qitao Guo
Occupation and Revolution
China and the Vietnamese August Revolution of 1945 (CRM 54)
Peter Worthing
The Ancestral Landscape
Time, Space, and Community in Late Shang China (ca. 1200–1045 B.C.) (CRM 53)
David N. Keightley
Cross-Cultural Readings of Chineseness
Narratives, Images, and Interpretations of the 1990s (CRM 51)
Wen-hsin Yeh, ed.
Landscape, Culture, and Power in Chinese Society
(CRM 49)
Wen-hsin Yeh, ed.
Putting Class in Its Place
Worker Identities in East Asia (CRM 48)
Elizabeth J. Perry, ed.
Negotiating Ethnicities in China and Taiwan
(CRM 46)
Melissa J. Brown, ed.
Business and Bureaucracy in a Chinese City
An Ethnography of Private Business Households in Contemporary China (CRM 43)
Ole Bruun
Imperial China's Last Classical Academies
Social Change in the Lower Yangtze, 1864–1911 (CRM 42)
Barry C. Keenan
